Grand Canyon Welcomes 2024 Artists and Astronomers in Residence
Grand Canyon Conservancy will host a series of artists and astronomers in residence in 2024, offering visitors unique opportunities to explore the intersection of art, science, and nature at Grand Canyon.

Learn more about the illustrious cohort and the transformative experiences they have in store:
Astronomer in Residence: Adeene Denton (February 8 - 26)
Dr. Adeene Denton, a geologist and planetary scientist, brings a blend of scientific expertise and artistic flair as February’s Astronomer in Residence. Dr. Denton’s public programs will include a discussion on canyons across various planets inspired by Grand Canyon, insights into NASA's proposed Uranus Orbiter-Probe mission, a program demystifying asteroid impacts for students, and an all-ages presentation on the scientific aspects of Star Wars planets and the tendency to envision "one-biome" worlds in media.
Astronomer in Residence: Dr. Ashley Pagnotta (March 4 - 31)
Dr. Ashley Pagnotta, an Associate Professor of Physics & Astronomy, will combine her love for dark skies and fiber arts. Visitors can join her in creating a fiber-based dark sky map highlighting light pollution levels globally. Public programs include exploring tonight's sky, constellations across cultures, and a fascinating insight into the pioneering women astronomers of the early 20th century.
Artist in Residence: Carlos Estevez (April 8 - May 31)
Cuban artist Carlos Estevez, recipient of multiple prestigious awards, will explore the profound symbolism of mountains and their impact on humanity. Estevez will be offering a public program, "Artistic Insights: A Journey into the Creative Process," sharing his artistic journey, techniques, and the transformative power of art. Hands-on creative workshops will also be offered to visitors.
Artist in Residence: Janelle VanderKelen (June 10 - July 10)
Widely celebrated artist, curator, and educator Janelle VanderKelen will create a short 16mm experimental film focused on endemic plant growth patterns, exploring the ways they indicate climate change. She will also provide an artist's talk and a curated film screening on ecological agency and ethical environmentalism.
Astronomer in Residence: Dr. David Koerner (Sept 23 - Oct 7, North Rim / Oct 7 - Nov 4, South Rim)
Dr. David Koerner, Emeritus Associate Professor in Astronomy and Planetary Science will connect individuals with vast stretches of time through a book and musical compositions. Public programs include discussions on the early history of the cosmos, the lives of stars, and the formation and changes of planets.
Artist in Residence: Anne Finger (Oct 1 - 31)
Anne Finger, an award-winning author, will work on an essay-length creative nonfiction piece about John Wesley Powell, the disabled Civil War veteran and geologist who led an expedition down Grand Canyon in 1869. Readings and a writing workshop will be open to the public.
Artist in Residence: Hai-Wen Lin (Nov 11 - Dec 15)
Taiwanese-American artist Hai-Wen Lin will collaborate with the wind, sun, and sky to "paint with light" through photography and create ephemeral sculptures. Lin's public programs will inspire play, wonder, and interconnectedness with natural forces.
GCC’s Residency Programs promise a diverse and enriching experience for visitors throughout the year. We are thrilled to welcome each resident as they uniquely celebrate and communicate the wonder of Grand Canyon.