Grand Canyon Conservancy
Canyon Conversations: Darkness, Poetry and the Stars
Join us on Tuesday, October 10, at 5:00 p.m. Arizona Time for Canyon Conversations: Darkness, Poetry and the Stars.
- October 10, 2023
- 5:00PM–6:00PM MST
Register for this free event.
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This virtual event will feature current Grand Canyon Astronomers in Residence Dr. Cameron Hummels and Dr. Katherine de Kleer and alumni Astronomer in Residence, Lauren Camp. They will each share how they developed an interest in astronomy, why they came to Grand Canyon, what they learned, and their favorite story about the night sky above Grand Canyon, followed by a short discussion and Q&A with the audience.
This one-hour event is presented by Grand Canyon Conservancy with facilitation by Clover Morell, GCC Residency Program Manager.