Distance Learning
Bringing Grand Canyon to students around the world.

Grand Canyon National Park has long been on the cutting edge of virtual learning, bringing programming to students across the country, and has inspired similar programs in other National Park units. The park’s Distance Learning program opens the door to visiting Grand Canyon National Park no matter where you are.
For many students, this is their first experience with Grand Canyon and our national parks; virtual programming provides for equitable access to this wonder. The park’s education program allows students to dive deep into what makes Grand Canyon unique while drawing connections to the endless opportunities for exploration in their own communities.
Grand Canyon Conservancy support provides funding for the vital high-tech equipment needed to make the Distance Learning program a success, including laptops, a reliable internet connection, and most importantly, a dedicated studio space with a green screen.
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Debbie Voris
Teacher Hopi Elementary School“These programs really engaged my students and held their attention. They were full of questions during and after the presentation and were so intrigued that they wanted to learn more. Under the current situation, we can’t go on field trips. Those ‘being there’ experiences add so much to our learning.”