Canyon Views Spring/Summer 2023
This issue of Canyon Views is all about the North Rim, including the deep cultural and spiritual connection of the Southern Paiute, trails and sights, wildlife, and the many unique challenges in managing and maintaining this remote location.

From the CEO
I’ve only seen a Kaibab squirrel once. It was during a hike to Cape Final in July 2014. Although it was a very quick sighting, I decided right then and there that it was the cutest creature I’d ever seen. With its big ears and the contrast between its fat black body and fluffy white tail, it was adorable.
I’ve been back to the North Rim many times, and as I wander its trails, I’m always looking for but never finding a Kaibab squirrel. Seeking one more sighting is only one of the experiences that draws me to the North Rim.
Like many of you, I find its slower pace, cooler climate, and beautiful vistas delightful. Viewing the stars from Bright Angel Point or watching a monsoon storm from the Grand Canyon Lodge can inspire and ignite a sense of wonder.
This issue of Canyon Views is all about the North Rim, including the deep cultural and spiritual connection of the Southern Paiute, trails and sights, wildlife, and the many unique challenges in managing and maintaining this remote location.
If you’ve never visited the North Rim, I hope you’ll be inspired to do so. And, if you’ve been many times, I hope you’ll learn something new and find a reason to come back—maybe to spot that elusive Kaibab squirrel.
Until then, thanks for spending a little time with Canyon Views.
Theresa McMullan
Chief Executive Officer
In This Issue
- A Message from Ed
- The Southern Paiute Connection to Grand Canyon’s North Rim
- Wildlife Projects on the North Rim
- Fire Ecology: Promoting a Healthy Ecosystem
- Trails and Sights of the North Rim
- Preparedness is Key: Living at the North Rim During the Winter
- Helping North Rim Visitors: Emergency Services Volunteers Lori and Bob Derr
- Park Projects Move Forward on the North Rim
- News and Updates
- Member Spotlight: Jan Taylor
- Ways to Give
- Shop Grand Canyon Conservancy
Editor: Mindy Riesenberg
Graphic Design: Charla Keyaanie
Printing: Prisma
Cover Photo: Courtesy of NPS (Michael Quinn)